Idil is a 2018-19 YES Scholarship Recipient and Greenheart Exchange High School Student from Istanbul, Turkey placed in Maine. Greenheart asked Idil to share how…
By: Nicole McCarthy, Greenheart International Service Learning and Outreach Manager You’ve found a place to live, settled in, and suddenly you’re faced with a housing…
By: Tiernaur Anderson, Marketing and Outreach Intern When you first arrive, it might feel like you have more than enough time to do everything you could imagine in the…
By Nicholas Cocorikis: International Partner Development Coordinator Earlier this month, Greenheart Exchange had the pleasure of showing a few current J-1 and F-1 high school…
by: Mikaela Fleck, Short Term Programs Intern Brent and Scott’s hosting experience opened new doors to their Californian cultural norms: Here’s why! Over the past…
By Luy Stromeier: Greenheart Exchange High School Participant from Germany Hawaii is a place of fulfillment, wild dreams and adventures, an undeniable history and a…
By: Fernando Vazquez, Greenheart Work and Travel Housing Assistant Congratulations, you found housing for the duration of your stay in the United States! Before you…
By: Fernando Vazquez, Work and Travel Housing and Compliance Coordinator You’ve done a lot of research into your job and the American workplace. But, did…
Earlier this month, Greenheart’s External Relations Manager, Bonnie Washick, flew to Washington, DC to speak with government representatives about our exchange programs. She joined the Alliance…
By: Ignacio Meneses, Greenheart Outreach and Marketing Intern Housing in the United States can be confusing, but it’s all about guidelines. Follow these tips and…