What makes Your Host City Special?

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What makes Your Host City Special?
by Greenheart Exchange
3 min read
Posted September 17, 2018
By: Winston Jarrett, Summer Work and Travel participant and 2018 Ambassador Scholar. 

A new environment, a new day, a new life, and a new me. The thought of leaving my home community to reside in a community in the United States was frightening and I was very nervous.  

On May 24, I woke up in a different bed, breathed different air, in a totally different city. Welcome to Harrisburg, the capital of the Keystone State of Pennsylvania. I thought that I needed to protect my energy from other people because of the influence they might have over me. I was not sure about leaving my home because I had no idea what I was going to be greeted with in this new place. The many different possibilities rushed through my mind as I sat there during my first couple of days.  

Suddenly, it hit me. the strongest influence over my energy is simply myself. I changed my mindset and was ready to hit the road. I decided to travel around and see what my host city had in store for me. I am so glad I did!  

Harrisburg is a very beautiful city with activities for everyone. The city is home to numerous business complexes, adventure areas and of course the baseball team, the Harrisburg Senators. But what makes this city special for me is what former U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt said when he attended the dedication of the Pennsylvania State Capital building in 1906. He said, it was “the handsomest building he ever saw.” 

One thing I took away with me after a tour of this 19th century structure, is that the Pennsylvania State Capitol was made in in the renaissance style by Philadelphia architect Joseph Huston. Many said Huston envisioned the building as a palace of art. Just when I thought it was over, I saw the waterfall at the back of the building, which made me agree with President Roosevelt. The waterfall was simply jaw dropping!  

Harrisburg is not only a beautiful city in the day time, but it is also gorgeous at night. The peaceful streets of Commonwealth Avenue host official buildings that are phenomenal in their structure. Also, the bridge engineered in 1806 still stands and connects mainland Harrisburg to an island. It is a beautiful sight!   

As a budding legal professional, you can just imagine that the city would not have been as great for me if there was not a touch of law. I was so impressed with the Pennsylvania Judicial Center. 

Finally, the city of Harrisburg is special because of its people. The families I have met here and the interactions I have had with locals are quite intriguing. They have taught me so much about the culture of the United States and specifically, the state of Pennsylvania 

What makes your host location unique? Share with us at Greenheart Exchange!