Post- Internship Plans

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Post- Internship Plans
by aabdelaal
2 min read
Posted January 28, 2019

By: Jessy Edwards, Greenheart Exchange Career Advancement Program participant and 2017 Ambassador Scholar.

I’ve learned and experienced so much from spending this time in the States. I’ve produced documentaries, a podcast, Emmy-award winning reporting, made lifetime friends and have been challenged by many questions which I’ve encountered by living in a new country. My head is full of new skills, fresh ideas and possibilities. I  can’t wait to take a month off work to strategize the best way to use my unique experience for career advancement and for making the world a better place.

I’ve been working so hard for the last few years, I am now looking forward to finally seeing America as a tourist! That is how I plan to spend the last two weeks before my departure from the United States. I want to ice skate at Bryant Park, hire a cabin in the woods in Phoenicia and maybe even see a black bear. I want to drive through the desert and party in Las Vegas.

My time on the Career Advancement program has reignited my love for volunteering, and I’m currently planning my next volunteer project. Updates to come! I know wherever I travel from now on, volunteering is one of the best ways to get to know a place and its people.

I also plan on putting all my fresh ideas to use with the official launch of a website I’ve been working on — The website will bring together my social and community values with great, multi-platform storytelling and innovative digital strategy.

Once I land back on home soil, I’m looking forward to spending time with my family and friends, who I haven’t seen for years. Traveling and seeing the world has one drawback — missing home like crazy! This experience has given me so much to look forward to and to build on – I’m truly grateful.