December 6 by
My name is Abygaëlle but everyone calls me Aby. I like spending time with my friends and family the most. I am passionate about photography…
My name is Abygaëlle but everyone calls me Aby. I like spending time with my friends and family the most. I am passionate about photography…
My name is Méline, I am 17 years old. I’m in my last year in high school, my main subjects are Management, Business studies and…
Hello, my name is Hanaé, I’m 15 years old and I live in a big French city. I think I’m kind, honest, open-minded, funny and…
Hi, my name is Antonin. I’m 17 years old. I come from France, in a small village in the mountains. I like sports, more specifically…
I’m Ilan, I live in France and I’m 16. I am in 11th Grade, in a English section, I have 10 hours per weeks of…