Bringing Greenheart to Georgian Children!

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Bringing Greenheart to Georgian Children!
Home » Blog » Bringing Greenheart to Georgian Children!
by Greenheart Exchange
2 min read
Posted December 9, 2014

By Nika, CCI Greenheart Alumnus 2012-2013

Nika was placed in Spokane, Washington for the 2012-2013 academic year. His exemplary volunteer service for the Greenheart Club has made him a role model for current CCI Greenheart exchange students. On his return to his home country Georgia, Nika created his very own Greenheart Service Project with the money he was granted by the Greenheart Club. Nika explains his project below and illustrates it through a wonderful video!

After I logged many volunteer hours for the Greenheart Club, I received a $500 grant. I wanted to do something useful and educational for my community. Since children in elementary school start learning English in 1st grade, I decided to start teaching kindergartners to make it easy for them when they entered into 1st grade.

IMG_0820[1]I asked my English teacher to help me and we did this project together. I used the grant to buy stickers, a projector to show them cartoons in English, a white board, and other class materials. The kids were really happy to take the English class and they really loved it. Every lesson was unique and day by day they were learning new words and becoming little more familiar with the English language. I taught the kindergartners with the help of an English teacher and other juniors and seniors from my high school. Everybody got a lot of experience working with kids and teaching English. This project brought benefits to both the students and the teachers!

I am happy I taught  kids English! It was a good start up project.