Here’s another story about one of our high school exchange students, Naomi from Italy! However, this time we get to hear from the student’s natural parents – their feedback and words of wisdom as they are reflecting on their daughter’s exchange experience. In the next few lines, we read the warm message of thanks that Naomi’s parents, Mirko and Barbara, sent to the American school that their daughter attended. Naomi is hosted by the Malone family in Meriden, Kansas, and attends Jefferson West High School. She played volleyball and was also on the dance team.

Dear Ms. Frakes, dear Teachers,
A warm greeting from the Italian Alps.
We are Mirko and Barbara, the parents of Noemi.
The school year is coming to its end, and these few lines are to express our deepest gratitude for making Noemi “feel at home, away from home” also in your nice and welcoming school.

Noemi blended with the social texture both at home and at school: this is partly thanks to her nature, but also thanks to the dedication and the human capital of Jefferson West!

It takes a lot of knowledge, dedication and hard work to build a team that can accept and integrate a foreign student, moreover in his or her “difficult years” (say between 15 and 18).

It would have been a “disturbance” if we came to visit during Noemi’s stay, but we will for sure make our ties with Kansas stronger: in the future we will come and visit the Malones in Meriden, and it would be great to pass at Jeff West, at least to shake hands with the staff…

Again: our deepest thanks and appreciation for all the great work and support with Noemi. We feel sad for her leaving your welcoming community and school, and happy at the same time to have her back.
Have a great Summer and good work for the coming years!
Mirko & Barbara

Thank you, Mirko and Barbara, for sharing this message with us for showing the positive impact a welcoming host school that does not falter to make an exchange student feel integrated, accepted and appreciated! Furthermore, we wish to extend our utmost appreciation to the Jefferson West High School team for their unwavering effort and hard work!
If you are interested in hosting an international student, please visit to meet students who look forward to being here the next academic year.
Did you know that schools can also host international teachers? Learn more about hosting a teacher at