Discovering Cherokee Culture in the US

By: Nelly Berges, Greenheart Exchange Work and Travel participant

My experience here in America has been amazing! I have discovered so many different aspects of American culture. Recently, I visited a Cherokee village and learned about how they traditionally lived many years ago.

They used to make all of their own food and clothes! From what I saw, their clothing was very colorful and covered in beautiful feathers, and their food seemed really delicious. In an outdoor play, they portrayed the history of the Cherokees through some traditional dances. I also learned about their religious beliefs, and how their creator shaped their beautiful world. I was fascinated by their use of natural medicine!

After this experience, I realized how different we all are, and how special all of our different cultures are. I loved learning about the Cherokee culture!

Do you also value these cultural differences? Greenheart Exchange’s Work and Travel program is rooted in connecting people and planet. Check it out!