Job Fair in Kazakhstan is a Learning Experience for All

Home » Blog » Job Fair in Kazakhstan is a Learning Experience for All
Job Fair in Kazakhstan is a Learning Experience for All
Home » Blog » Job Fair in Kazakhstan is a Learning Experience for All
by Greenheart Exchange
2 min read
Posted September 26, 2018
By: Wioletta Olszowiec, Greenheart Partner Relations ManagerOn Tuesday, January 17th, alongside one of Greenheart’s most traveled host organization representatives, Agata Czopek, I arrived in Almaty, Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan, Greenheart partners with Opportunity Language School and this year’s job fair was the first time we organized an event together. It was also our first time traveling to Kazakhstan so we felt like our Work and Travel participants who are visiting the United States for the first time!

The day after we arrived, our lovely host took us on a tour around the city. Despite the very cold temperatures in contrast to Thailand’s heat (where Agata and I were prior), we enjoyed walking around this lovely city, exploring museums, checking out local shops, and sipping hot tea in cozy cafes. Our first day ended in Almaty at the local orphanage where we met with the staff of Opportunity Language School, our six Work and Travel participants, and a group of teenagers and their teachers. We learned that many of the orphans who live there are interested in the NBA and wanted to travel to the United States. We all agreed that English was an important language to learn and that they should utilize every opportunity to practice it. After a couple hours of great conversation, signing a Greenheart t-shirt with the kids, and taking a lot of pictures, we returned to our hotel to prepare for the Job Fair.

The Job Fair was a huge success! 31 participants received job offers and we are looking forward to meeting them in the United States. We also had a special guest at the Job Fair event- a consul from the U.S. Consulate in Almaty shared insight on the visa process, general program information, and some tips for making the most of Summer Work Travel participants’ time in the United States. It was a wonderful learning experience!

Thank you, Kazakhstan for your hospitality! We will be back!

Interested in completing your seasonal hiring while exploring a new place? Contact your Greenheart Work Travel account manager for details.