This summer has been a busy one for Greenheart Exchange staff members! We hit the road on “Going Greenheart Tours” (GGHT) to meet with hundreds of Summer Work and Travel participants from Alaska to Florida, host organizations, and other program stakeholders. During GGHT trips, staff, participants and host representatives also volunteer in the local communities through service projects with community organizations. Here’s another update from Taylor Kay, Senior Director, Work and Travel Program!
“Greenheart staff were on the road all summer long visiting Work and Travel participants, host employers and community members and leaders. 21 trips – 25 Greenheart staff – 18 states – infinite stories. We heard countless of stories about cultural exchange, witnessed satisfied customers at businesses of all kinds and met with community members and leaders supportive of BridgeUSA programs. These visits thankfully also occasionally uncovered suboptimal program conditions that we could immediately rectify with hosts in favor of participants’ safety and welfare.
One GGHT highlight was a visit to Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. For Exchange Day (August 5), the Grand Teton Lodge Company hosted a party themed “Eat, Play, and Give”. The day included games with prizes, card-writing for those in need, and the enjoyment of American BBQ hot dogs, specifically Chicago style hot dogs as a nod to Greenheart’s roots. The pie-eating contest erupted in hysterics.
We just have to share our best photos from these visits! “

Thank you, Taylor, for such a positive update on GGHTs! We also thank and appreciate our host organizations for hosting our Summer Work and Travel participants and offering them incredible opportunities for cultural enrichment and growth.
If you are a business who would like to host international seasonal staff for a cultural exchange, please visit to learn more.
To learn more about Greenheart’s Work and Travel program visit