Home » Students » Irene
by aabdelaal
1 min read
Posted December 23, 2024

Hi! My name is Irene, and I’m a 18-year-old student. I was born in Spain, and I live in a small town in the north of the country, not far from the French border. I live in a house with my parents, my older sister, and my younger brother. I have a dog and two cats—I love animals! I am in my final year of high school. When I’m not at school, I like hanging out with my friends or just resting at home with my family. I’m very close to my parents, brother and sister. I love sports. I practice track and field. Also I love listening to music and playing the drums. I really love to travel all over the world to discover new cultures or meet different people. One of the things I like to do the most is try the typical food from the place I’m visiting. I am looking forward to living this exchange experience, meet new people and learn about the American culture. #175177