Home » Students » Nicole
by aabdelaal
1 min read
Posted September 11, 2024

I am Nicole, I am 16 years old, and I live in Italy. I am of Italian and Romanian origin, I love to draw, read, watch films/TV series, go out with friends, listen to music and spend time with my family. At school I have various favorite subjects for example art history, architecture and environment design subjects and architecture laboratory. In the future I would like to be an architect/ interior designer, I would like to design houses, furnish restaurants, rooms or entire structures such as houses or simply offices. I have a medium allergy to pollen, dust and mold. They don’t cause me any problem apart from sneezing because living in the countryside I have daily contact with them, and I can handle them autonomously. Special Request: NJ, CT, MA. Allergy: dust, pollen, mold #162888