Host and Hire Seasonal Staff

Host and Hire Seasonal Staff

Our Work and Travel program connects international students and U.S. businesses.

  • Overview

    Bring the world to your workplace

    Meet your seasonal hiring needs by hosting enthusiastic international university students through Greenheart Work and Travel! Designated a BridgeUSA sponsor by the U.S. Department of State,  our program allows host organizations (U.S. seasonal businesses) to host participants from over 30 countries who can work and travel here for up to four months. We connect you with participants who will help meet your business needs and diversify your workplace. Together we will forge cultural understanding and further public diplomacy.  

    Program at a glance
    • Host organization requirements: Must have seasonal hiring needs & an interest in cultural exchange
    • Job requirements: Full-time positions (minimum of 32 hours per week)
    • Program length: Up to 4 months followed by a 30-day travel period (varies by country)
    • Cultural opportunities: Host organization facilitates cultural experiences for participants
    • Language skills: Participants are screened for English proficiency

    Types of seasonal businesses
    • Restaurants
    • Amusement Parks
    • Waterparks
    • Retail Stores
    • Hotels
    • National Parks
  • Hiring Options

    Greenheart Exchange is organizing virtual and in-person hiring events for the upcoming season.

    International Job Fairs
    • Travel internationally (multiple countries offered by season)
    • Meet participants in face-to-face interviews
    • Hire 25 or more participants
    • Experience the participants’ culture first hand
    • Volunteer with Participants, alumni, staff and Greenheart partners in the local community
    • Lifelong travel memories!
    Greenheart World’s Fair
    • Travel to Chicago
    • Conduct virtual interviews at Greenheart’s home office
    • Hire 25 or more participants
    • Greenheart recruits candidates, organizes the event, and hosts interviewers for the day(s)
    • Spend time with Greenheart staff and other employers to share experiences and best practices
    • No passport required!

    Virtual Hiring Events
    • Attend a virtual hiring event from your home or office
    • Greenheart recruits the candidates, just join the event online to begin your interviews!
    • Minimal time commitment!
  • International Job Fairs

    Thailand - Bangkok

    Thailand – Bangkok

    Nov 8th – Nov 11th, 2024

    Dominican Republic - Santo Domingo

    Dominican Republic – Santo Domingo

    Dec 6th – Dec 9th, 2024

    Kazakhstan, Astana

    Kazakhstan, Astana

    Jan 20th – Jan 23rd, 2025

    Romania, Cluj-Napoca

    Romania, Cluj-Napoca

    Feb 6th – Feb 9th, 2025

    Turkey, Istanbul

    Turkey, Istanbul

    Jan 23rd – Jan 26th, 2025

    Spain, Madrid

    Spain, Madrid

    Feb 13th – Feb 16th, 2025

    Lima, Peru

    Lima, Peru

    July 17-20th, 2025

    Go beyond the interview. Get a taste of applicants’ culture during our International Job Fairs.

    Summer Job Fairs are now complete. The upcoming Job Fair will be in Peru, Lima, on July 17-20th, 2025.

    Here’s a list of our completed and upcoming Job Fairs:

    ThailandBangkokFriday November 8 – Monday November 11th, 2024
    Dominican RepublicSanto DomingoFriday December 6th – Monday December 9th, 2024
    ColombiaBogotáMonday December 9th – Thursday December 12th, 2024
    KazakhstanAstanaMonday January 20th – Thursday January 23rd, 2025
    TurkeyIstanbulThursday January 23rd – Sunday January 26th, 2025
    RomaniaCluj-NapocaThursday February 6th – Sunday February 9th, 2025
    SpainMadridThursday February 13th – Sunday February 16th, 2025
    PeruLimaThursday July 17th – Sunday July 20th, 2025

    This hiring option allows you to travel to another country to interview pre-screened Summer Work Travel applicants. By hiring at a Greenheart International Job Fair, you can explore the sights and sounds of another country and complete your seasonal hiring in just four days.

    Greenheart is busy preparing for our 2025-26 International Job Fairs. If you are interested in attending a Greenheart International Job Fair, please contact or your Greenheart contact. The Employer Booking Form is due 30-days prior to the first day of the Job Fair.

    Previous Greenheart International Job Fairs

    SpainMadridA Memorable Week in Madrid: Greenheart’s Successful International Job Fair
    RomaniaCluj-NapocaGreenheart’s Successful Job Fair in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Helps Host Organizations Complete their Seasonal Hiring for Summer 2025!
    TurkeyIstanbulHost Organizations Complete their Seasonal Hiring at Greenheart’s Job Fair in Turkey!
    KazakhstanAstanaGreenheart’s Successful International Job Fair in Astana, Kazakhstan
    ColombiaBogotáHost Organizations Complete their Seasonal Hiring at Greenheart’s International Job Fair in Colombia!
    Dominican RepublicSanto DomingoGreenheart Helps Host Organizations Meet their Seasonal Hiring Needs at a Successful Job Fair in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic (DR)
    ThailandBangkokA Recap of Greenheart’s Unforgettable Job Fair in Bangkok: A Blend of Cultural Exploration, Networking, and Career Opportunities
  • Greenheart World’s Fair

    Travel to Greenheart Exchange’s headquarters in Chicago and conduct virtual interviews of pre-screened applicants from around the world. It’s an efficient way to hire seasonal staff in a short time!

    Upcoming Greenheart World’s Fairs for the Winter 2025 season:

    • Thursday, June 12 – Friday, June 13, 2025
    • Thursday, July 10 – Friday, July 11, 2025

    Completed Greenheart World’s Fairs for Summer 2025 season:

    • Wednesday, December 11 – Thursday, December 12, 2024
    • Wednesday, January 8 – Thursday, January 9, 2025
    • Wednesday, January 29 – Thursday, January 30, 2025
    • Wednesday, February 26 – Thursday, February 27, 2025

    Read more about Greenheart World’s Fair.

    Check back: Summer 2026 GWF dates will be posted before the end of summer.

    Contact your Greenheart representative for more details or email us at 

  • Virtual Hiring

    Join from the comfort of your home or office, where you can complete your seasonal hiring with ease. Greenheart manages the entire process, from recruiting top candidates to organizing your virtual interviews. All you need to do is log in and start interviewing! The Winter 2025 hiring events kick off on June 4, 2025.

    Learn more about Greenheart’s Virtual Hiring:

    Contact your Greenheart representative for more information or email to sign up!

    New to Greenheart? Contact us to learn more!

  • Timelines

    View our Timeline

  • Participant Availability

    Our participants come from around the world to participate in the Work and Travel program. Find countries that work best for your business by checking out program dates by country below.

  • Regulations

    U.S. Department of State links

    Seasonal and Temporary Employment

    Seasonal: Employment is of a seasonal nature when the required service is tied to a certain time of year by an event or pattern and requires labor levels above and beyond existing worker levels. Summer Work Travel host organizations should generally not hire for all three (summer, winter and spring) seasons, as the intention is that placements are only with businesses that have a seasonal need, so as not to displace U.S. workers.

    Summer Work Travel host organizations are not to rely on program participants to fill year-round positions, as these positions should be filled by the U.S. workforce.

    Temporary: Employment is of a temporary nature when a host organization’s need for the duties to be performed is a one-time occurrence, a peak-load need, or an intermittent need.

    Temporary positions requested by host organizations are considered on a case-by-case basis. The host organization must be able to demonstrate why a temporary position cannot be filled by the U.S. workforce.

    Host Organization Check-Ins

    Host organizations are required to notify Greenheart Exchange when their participants arrive, do not arrive, or leave before their DS-2019 end date; when there are changes in the job conditions and about any emergency situations.

    A host organization can report to the Greenheart Exchange by logging in to your Greenheart Exchange Online (GEO) account.

    U.S. Department of State Confirmation Calls

    The U.S. Department of State sometimes contacts host organizations to confirm names of participants hosted and job details. Greenheart Exchange asks that the host organization follow these steps if you receive a call from the U.S. Department of State:

    • Identify the caller. Only release information to the U.S. Department of State. Participant information is private, so this information may not be released without participant’s consent.
    • Ask the caller to send you an email describing the information they are requesting. This email should come from a email address.
    • Reply to the U.S. Department of State email. Usually they are verifying the number of participants hired and their names and job information. In the past, host organizations who did not respond to U.S. Department of State calls experienced participant visa denials.
    • Let your Greenheart Exchange contact know if you have any questions regarding a job placement confirmation. If you don’t know who your Greenheart Exchange contact is, call our toll-free U.S. number: 1-866-684-9675.

    Prohibited Placements

    *NOTE:  All placements are subject to Greenheart Exchange approval. Some jobs that are not listed here may still be found to be inappropriate for the Summer Work Travel program. As the visa sponser, Greenheart Exchange reserves the right to prohibit any placement.

    In addition to jobs prohibited by the U.S. Department of State, Greenheart Exchange prohibits participants from working:

    • In positions in kiosks.
    • In positions with moving companies.
    • In positions with staffing agencies.
    • With third-party organizations. The participant must be hired, paid, and directly supervised by the same company.
    • With lifeguard companies that have not first completed a Greenheart Exchange questionnaire.
    • In positions that involve door-to-door or traveling sales.
    • In positions where manual labor is the primary focus, that require a high level of skill, that present safety concerns, or that lack cultural exchange.
    • In positions with tent companies.
    • In laundry-only positions, or other positions with extensive periods of time in rotation.
    • In positions that require sustained physical contact with other people (e.g. applying henna tattoos).

    Prohibited Placements by Location:

    In the effort to protect the health, safety, and welfare of Greenheart-sponsored participants, we have made the difficult decision to limit geographical areas we are willing to sponsor placements in. This policy is subject to change at Greenheart’s discretion.

    Greenheart Exchange does not permit placements in:

    • Oil Regions (e.g. Williston Basin- ND, SD, MT)
    • Hawaii
    • Baltimore, Maryland
    • Detroit, Michigan
    • Rural Alaska

    In addition, Greenheart Exchange will consider a case-by-case exception for placements proving to be exceptional in the following areas:

    • Florida Panhandle (e.g., Destin, Panama City Beach)
    • Harrisburg/Hershey, PA

    Conditional Placements by Location:

    Placements for full program options will be considered on a case-by-case basis in the Gulf Coast areas of Louisiana and Alabama, and in the Florida panhandle from Gulf Shores, Alabama to Mexico Beach, Florida, including Panama City and Destin. To be considered by Greenheart Exchange, host organizations in these areas must provide excellent housing and extensive cultural activities for the SWT participants.

    The U.S. Department of State prohibits Summer Work Travel participants from working:

    • In positions with host organizations that fill non-seasonal or non-temporary job openings with participants with staggered vacation schedules.
    • In positions that could bring notoriety or disrepute to the Exchange Visitor Program.
    • In sales positions that require participants to purchase inventory that they must sell in order to support themselves.
    • In domestic help positions in private homes (e.g., child care, elder care, gardener, chauffeur).
    • As pedicab or rolling chair drivers or operators.
    • As operators or drivers of vehicles or vessels for which a driver’s license is required regardless of whether they carry passengers or not.
    • In positions related to clinical care that involves patient contact.
    • In any position in the adult entertainment industry including, but not limited to jobs with escort services, jobs in adult book/video stores, and jobs in strip clubs).
    • In positions requiring any shift where hours will fall predominantly between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
    • In positions declared hazardous to youth by the Secretary of Labor as outlined at Subpart E of 29 CFR part 570.
    • In positions that require sustained physical contact with other people and/or adherence to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Universal Blood and Body Fluid Precautions guidelines (e.g., body piercing, tattooing, massage, manicure).
    • In positions that are substantially commission-based and thus do not guarantee that participants will be paid minimum wage in accordance with federal and state standards.
    • In positions involved in gaming and gambling that include direct participation in wagering and/or betting.
    • In positions in chemical pest control, in warehousing, and at catalog/online order distribution centers.
    • In positions with traveling fairs or itinerant concessionaires.
    • In jobs that do not allow participants to work alongside U.S. citizens to interact regularly with U.S. citizens and to experience U.S. culture during the workday portion of their Summer Work Travel programs.
    • In positions that require licensing.
    • In positions for which there is another specific J category (e.g., camp counselor, intern, trainee).
    • In positions in the North American Industry Classification System’s (NAICS) Goods-Producing Industries occupational categories industry sectors 11, 21, 23, 31–33 numbers.

    Participant Check-Ins

    • Participants must contact Greenheart Exchange immediately upon their arrival to the U.S.
    • The arrival check-in must be done no later than 3 days after the arrival date.
    • Participants are required to validate their programs upon arrival to their Greenheart Exchange approved host organization, and no later than 7 days after the program start date.
    • Participants must also check-in with Greenheart Exchange every 30 days or by the deadlines listed in their Greenheart Online accounts.
    • Failure to complete any of these communications may result in a negative SEVIS status, requiring the participant to return home immediately.

    Housing Policies


    The U.S. Department of State places an emphasis on the safety, security, and quality of housing for Summer Work Travel participants. The following policies are provided to ensure participants are provided with appropriate housing.

    • Housing must follow, at minimum, all local, state, and federal housing, building, and fire safety codes.
    • Every participant must have their own bed. A bed is defined as a mattress on a bed frame or box spring. Air mattresses or mattresses directly on the floor are not acceptable.
    • Participants must have a designated bedroom. Sleeping in a common space such as the living room is not acceptable.
    • Employment must not be contingent on the participant living in host organization-provided housing.
    • There must be affordable and safe transportation to and from work.
    • Participants must submit their housing information to Greenheart Exchange no later than 30 days before their DS-2019 start date.


    The following guidelines are provided to help avoid some common issues.

    • Provide a lease or rental agreement that clearly defines rules and regulations.
    • Inform participants about how security deposits are managed.
    • Conduct an initial housing inspection with the participant, documenting issues with participants when they arrive.
    • Basic amenities, such as a grocery store and bank should be easily accessible from participant housing.
    • Housing providers should offer short-term leases for 3 to 4 months.
    • Monthly rent should be no more than 33% of a participant’s monthly gross income.

    The above is subject to change based on regulatory updates from the U.S. Department of State and internal Greenheart Exchange policies.

    If you have any questions concerning the information provided, please contact your host organization toll-free at 1-866-684-9675.

  • Taylor Kay

    Work Travel Program

    I was impressed with how integrated participants were with domestic staff

    Participants told us that they were learning new skills in culinary and customer service and how much their English had improved in just weeks. 
  • Jeff Curtis

    Director of Operations

    Greenheart helped me from day one to become a host

    I was a little overwhelmed by all the things that needed to be done to become a host, but Greenheart’s staff was so knowledgeable and helpful during the process. 
  • Lisa Wald

    Director of HR – The Abbey Resort

    We value our partnership with Greenheart

    Leaders at our property are understanding the overall importance and significance of these partnerships and programs.

Frequently Asked Questions about Hosting and Hiring Seasonal Staff

How much does it cost to hire international participants?

Nothing! Our Work and Travel Program is a free service to employers.

When are international participants available?

We have international participants that can meet all of your seasonal needs. Our summer participants arrive between May and July and can often work until October 1.

Winter participants typically arrive Mid-November through January, and can work until March or April.

What countries do your Work and Travel participants come from?

Our participants come from more than 30 countries. Summer participants come from countries in the Northern Hemisphere. Winter participants come from countries in the Southern Hemisphere.

Do all Work and Travel participants speak English?

Yes. The level of English ability ranges from good to fluent. This is important for both your workplace and for participants to be safe and to get the most out of this cultural exchange program. During the interview, you will be able to assess English ability and make job offers for positions where you foresee a candidate being most successful.

Can a participant get more than one job?

The J-1 visa allows participants to work at more than one job. However, we explain to participants that their primary commitment is to their initial, approved employer. If they are interested in working another job, we ask that they discuss this with you. Participants can’t start an additional job until Greenheart approves it or they will put their program at risk.

Can my participants quit their Job?

All Summer Work Travel participants are employees-at-will and can leave their employment at any time. The U.S. Department of State regulations state that neither employers nor sponsors can create barriers if participants want to leave. If one of your participants is asking to leave early, please reach out to your Greenheart contact so that we can personally speak to the participant and highly encourage them to stay through the remainder of the program.

What should I pay my international participants?

International participants must be paid the same as an American employee doing the same job, while adhering to state minimum wage laws.

Am I required to provide housing?

Host organizations working with Greenheart Exchange are now required to arrange or provide affordable housing in close proximity to the work site. For questions about this, please reach out to your Greenheart contact.

Are Work and Travel participants exempt from paying taxes?

No. All participants are required to pay federal, state and local taxes (if applicable) but are usually exempt from FICA (Social Security and Medicare) since they are not future beneficiaries. While participants are all university students in their home countries, the IRS does not consider them students while they are in the U.S. For tax purposes, Work and Travel participants are considered non-resident aliens and must file a tax return. Participants are often eligible for a refund at the end of the fiscal year.

Do I have to provide participants with a W-2 Form?

Yes. W-2 forms should be mailed to participants in their home countries as early as possible. Ask your participants to give you a self-addressed envelope when they are filling out their W-4. This will help ensure you have their correct international address when it is time to send their W-2.

Do my international participants have health insurance?

Yes, all Greenheart Exchange participants have health insurance during their entire program (the dates listed on their DS 2019 form). Please note that if your participants are interested in traveling after they finish working, they will need to purchase additional insurance either from us or from another insurance company.

What if I need help or have questions during the season?

Please call our office at 1-866-684-9675. Our office hours are 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday. There is also a 24-hour emergency assistance line for employers and program participants. The emergency number is 1-855-767-5642.

Host organizations can also always call or email their Greenheart contact.