By Marney Coleman, Service Learning & Outreach Coordinator This year, the Greenheart Club has had over 800 CCI Greenheart high school exchange student join as members…
By Muqadess Gul, CCI Greenheart High School Exchange Student Muqadess is an exchange student from Pakistan who was placed in Kentucky. She is a Greenheart…
By Elyse Voyen, CCI Greenheart Staff The Greenheart Club held its Fifth Annual National Essay Contest for all CCI Greenheart exchange students and their high…
By Elyse Voyen, Program Assistant for the Greenheart Club The 2014 Service Leader Prep Program (SLPP) was a tremendous success. This year, CCI Greenheart hosted…
By Anastasiya Korableva, CCI Greenheart Exchange Student Anastasiya is an exchange student from Russia who was placed in Idaho for the 2013-2014 academic school year. She…
By Alona Doroshenko, CCI Greenheart High School Exchange student Alona is an exchange student from Ukraine who was living in Minnesota for the past academic year.…
By Elyse Voyen, CCI Greenheart Part Time Program Assistant for the Greenheart Club CCI Greenheart Local Coordinator Pamela Wang organized a wonderful Greenheart project in…
By Elyse Voyen, Greenheart Club Intern The Greenheart Club is comprised of nearly 400 CCI Greenheart students who have contributed over 10,000 volunteer hours. Each year we recognize…
By Marina Esanu, CCI Greenheart Exchange Student and Greenheart Club member Marina is an exchange student from Moldova who has been placed in New York. She is…