International young students come to the USA every year looking forward to doing so many things with their host families and with their American high…
Iva is a Greenheart Exchange FLEX participant who has recently been selected by the American Councils to be one of their social media specialists for…
Mariami, a FLEX scholarship recipient is a high school exchange student living in Michigan. She shares her thoughts on the idea of happiness and her…

Religious Understanding and Feeding the Hungry: My Volunteer Experience in America
By Gulnura, CCI Greenheart Exchange Student Gulnura is a CCI Greenheart exchange student from Kyrgyzstan who is now living in Athens, Georgia. She is a Greenheart…
By Jeremy, CCI Greenheart Exchange Student from Germany My name is Jeremy, I’m 17 years old and I’m currently living in Buda, Texas. This last April…
By Elyse Voyen, Greenheart Club Intern The Greenheart Club is comprised of nearly 400 CCI Greenheart students who have contributed over 10,000 volunteer hours. Each year we recognize…
By Jillian Sims AYP Compliance and Operations Manager This month, CCI Greenheart interviewed seasoned Local Coordinator (LC), Nancy White of Caldwell, Idaho. Overall, Nancy has …
By Jillian Sims: AYP Compliance and Operations Manager Meet Gretchen and Matt in Milwaukee. Though relatively new to the hosting scene (this is their second…
By: Annie Reifsnyder, Area Coordinator Southeastern Wisconsin CCI Greenheart’s ESL and American Culture Program Department welcomed Language Prep students from the FLEX program for a…
By Annie Reifsynder, AYP Area Coordinator Nine Department of State Scholarship students spent the month of August in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for the first English Preparatory…